Building Department
A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, April 26, 2022. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present were: Supervisor Uhl, Treasurer Hunt, Clerk Sanders and Trustees: Gary Lazette, CJ Horkey, and Ken Jaworski. Trustee Travis Horkey was excused. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to revise the agenda to add the fire department/new truck discussion to new business. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried. Trustee Gary Lazette made a motion to approve the Truth in Taxation hearing minutes held on 4/11/22 & waive the reading. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried. Trustee Gary Lazette made a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes held on 4/11/22 with corrections, and waive the reading. Trustee CJ Horkey supported. Motion carried. Trustee Ken Jaworski made a motion to accept the Treasurers report. After discussion, Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried. There were two items of correspondence. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to waive the reading & place on file, both items. Clerk Sanders supported. Motion carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Three township residents attended the meeting to discuss flooding issues on Kent Rd. Supervisor Uhl will contact the MCRC to discuss the flooding & solutions. OFFICIAL REPORTS: Building Department: Dennis Kolar attended the meeting. He gave the board a report with the permits from 2022 & discussed that things are going well for the year so far. Supervisor Uhl: Supervisor Uhl gave an update on the meeting she attended with other supervisors from other areas. There was a good turnout and a good amount of interest from other supervisors, in setting up a meeting with Mr. Bosanac to discuss the county ARPA funds. Trustee C.J. Horkey: Trustee CJ Horkey had no report at this time. Trustee Gary Lazette: Trustee Lazette had no report at this time. Trustee Travis Horkey: Trustee Travis Horkey was excused from this meeting. Trustee Ken Jaworski: Trustee Jaworski had no report at this time. Treasurer Lisa Hunt: Treasurer Hunt gave an update & has completed closing with the county. She also discussed having WIFI installed at the township hall & the benefits of doing so. She has previously discussed ideas with the township IT department and will contact Dan to get costs and more information, then discuss at a later meeting. Clerk Sharayah Sanders: Clerk Sanders gave an update on the filing turnout for the Clerk & Treasurers positions. There was one petition filed for the Treasurers position and two filed for the Clerks position. Also discussed the clerk & treasurers plan for meeting each month to balance. Clerk Sanders also gave a print out with the corrected description of the assessors pay, to each board member.
OLD BUSINESS: In old business the board discussed the Bragg Rd. Bridge Project & Resolution 2022-5. Supervisor Uhl recommended that the township commit 6% to the project should the Bragg Rd. bridge be chosen. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to commit 6% & adopt Resolution 2022-5 (Resolution for board of Dundee Township to endorse & support the MCRC in its efforts to submit a grant application for the State & Federal Local Bridge funds) Treasurer Hunt supported. A roll call was taken, (7 votes, Yes- 0 votes, No) the vote was unanimous, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: *Cemetery Mowing Bids: The board received one bid for the cemetery mowing contract. The bid was from Rick’s Lawn Service. For a one-year contract at $100.00 per cut for LIEB cemetery, $300.00 per cut for MAPLE GROVE, $200 per cut for OAK GROVE & $50.00 per person/per hour for storm clean-up. A suggestion was made by supervisor Uhl, to nominate Trustee Ken Jaworski, who is the Cemetery Liaison, to make the judgement call on if/when the cemetery’s need to be mowed. After some discussion, Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to authorize one cutting, at the discretion of Trustee Ken Jaworski who is the cemetery Liaison, at the bid rate stated above, if necessary, until the next meeting where the board can create a contract based on the funds budgeted for the year. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried. * Dundee Fire Department/Fire Truck Discussion: Dundee Fire Chief Dan Motylinski attended the meeting as well as other firemen from Dundee to discuss the need of a new fire truck. Working with Pierce Manufacturing & Halt fire, a new truck will need to be ordered as soon as possible, as it takes about 2 years to build. The department currently has a 23-year-old truck that they have been repairing as much as they can & maintaining the vehicle, but in two years a new truck will be needed. Based off of information from the manufacturer, if the order is placed after May 1, 2022 the cost would be raised 67 thousand dollars. Chief Motylinski asked the board to authorize him to submit a purchase order for a new 3000-gallon tanker truck, in the amount of $968,443.00 with the first payment bring due within 1 year of the order date. The new fire millage will begin collection before the first payment becomes due. Trustee Ken Jaworski made a motion to instruct the fire chief to move forward with the lease & ordering of the new truck so that production of the truck can begin. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
There were no additional board comments at this time.
Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to pay the bills from 4/14/22 in the amount of $25,435.03, with the amendment to note that the assessing payment in this payroll batch is for April 2022 and not March 2022. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to pay the bills from 4/21/22 in the amount of $9,047.09. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
Treasurer Hunt made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be on May 10, 2022 at 7PM. Respectfully Submitted,
Sharayah Sanders Dundee Township Clerk Attested: Joanna Uhl Dundee Township Supervisor This page last updated on 5/17/2022.
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