A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, February 28, 2023. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Present were: Trustees: Gary Lazette, Ken Jaworski, Treasurer Hunt, Alana Horkey, Supervisor Uhl, & Clerk Anderson. Excused Absence: Travis Horkey. Clerk Anderson did roll call.
- Trustee Jaworski motioned to approve the agenda with the revisions. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
- Supervisor Uhl motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes held on February 14, 2023 with a correction for Trustee Alana Horkey to be added as present for the February 14th meeting. Trustee Jaworski seconded. Motion carried.
- Treasurer Hunt motioned waive the Correspondence reading and place on file. Trustee Alana Horkey seconded motion. Motion Carried.
LIBRARY: No report at this time.
ASSESSING: No report at this time.
BUILDING DEPARTMENT: No report at this time.
SUPERVISOR UHL: No report at this time.
TRUSTEE GARY LAZETTE: No report at this time.
TRUSTEE TRAVIS HORKEY: No report at this time.
TRUSTEE KEN JAWORSKI: Reported status of cemeteries following ice storm and that cleanup will take place. He indicated lock issues at Oak Grove on an old gate with plans to replace the lock.
TRUSTEE ALANA HORKEY: No report at this time.
TREASURER LISA HUNT: No report at this time
CLERK JEAN ANDERSON: 2023 Noxious Weed and Grass Notice and the Ordinance passed at the February 14th meeting are both set to be published in the paper in March.
- ARPA Funds
- Discussed the County ARPA Grant- Irish/Pitts Creek. Trustee Jaworski motioned to approve the County ARPA Grant for Irish/Pitts Creek and to wait to determine where our funds will be used from after the invoice is received. Trustee Lazette seconded. Motion passed.
- The Fire Department presented the Active Response PPE. Trustee Lazette motioned to approve 4 sets for a total of $14,115.15 to be paid for with expiring millage funds. Trustee Jaworksi seconded. Motion passed.
- The Fire Department presented the purchase of a new fire engine to be paid for with current millage funds. Trustee Jaworski motioned to approve the purchase of a new fire engine pumper in the amount of $838,747 from Pierce to be paid for with the current millage funds. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion passed.
- The Fire Department presented a wish list, to be discussed later.
- Trustee Lazette discussed the quote to install an ADA Compliant Front Door at Dundee Township Hall. Trustee Lazette motioned to approve the quote from Toledo Mirror & Glass for $6,615 using ARPA funds. Supervisor Uhl seconded. Motion passed.
- Schedule A
- Compensation Discussion to be discussed at a budget workshop.
- Discussion of a Credit Card/Petty Cash will be further discussed with Fire Chief Motylinski.
- Schedule B
- Discussed Bid Process for Services. Supervisor Uhl motioned not to publish a notice for bid at this time for Assessor contract. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Clerk Anderson apposed. Motion passed. Trustee Jaworski motioned to approve the janitor and snow removal contracts to publish a notice for bid and not publish a notice for bid for the cemetery mowing. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion passed.
- Board of Trustee Assignments discussed as:
- Cemetery – Trustee Ken Jaworski
- Fire Department Liaison – Treasurer Lisa Hunt
- River Raisin Watershed Council Rep – Supervisor Joanna Uhl
- Alternate River Raisin Watershed Council Rep – Trustee Alana Horkey
- Drainage Task Force Delegate – Position Removed
- MTA County Chapter Delegate – Supervisor Joanna Uhl
- PC Seat – Trustee Travis Horkey
- MCRC (Monroe County Road Commission) – Supervisor Joanna Uhl
- ZBA – Trustee Alana Horkey
Treasurer Hunt motioned to approve Board of Trustee Assignments as stated. Trustee Jaworski seconded. Motion passed.
Additional board comments: No comments at this time.
Supervisor Uhl motioned to pay the bills from February 28, 2023 in the amount of $70,304.26
Trustee Lazette supported. Motion Carried.
Treasurer Hunt motioned to adjourn. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be March 14, 2023 at 7PM.
Attested: Respectfully Submitted,
Joanna Uhl Jean Anderson
Dundee Township Supervisor Dundee Township Clerk
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