Building Department
A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, March 23, 2021. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present was: Supervisor Uhl, Clerk Sanders, Treasurer Hunt and Trustees: Gary Lazette, C.J. Horkey, Travis Horkey and Ken Jaworski.
ADOPT/REVISE AGENDA: Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to revise the agenda by striking resolution 2021-4 from the agenda & modify resolution 2021-5 to now be so named 2021-4. Resolution 2021-5 will be used for the budget, at the meeting on April 1, 2021. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried.
Approved meeting minutes from March 9, 2021 & waive reading. Trustee Travis Horkey made a motion to approve meeting minutes. Trustee Ken Jaworski supported. Motion carried.
Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to accept the treasurers report from February 2021. Trustee Gary Lazette supported. Motion carried.
Public comment: There was no public comment.
Official Reports:
Library: None.
Assessing: Assessor is completely finished with all BOR processing.
Building: None
Supervisor Uhl: Land division ordinance. Original notice was unable to be published in time, so a motion was made by Supervisor Uhl for the board to reaffirm its Feb 23, 2021 vote to adopt the Land Division ordinance 22D. Trustee CJ Horkey supported. A roll call was taken. Treasurer Hunt- Yes Trustee CJ Horkey- Yes Trustee Ken Jaworski- Yes Trustee Travis Horkey- Yes Trustee Gary Lazette- Yes Clerk Sanders- Yes Supervisor Uhl- Yes Vote was Unanimous. Motion carried.
Trustee C.J Horkey: Discussed the possibility of the Township receiving money.The board will discuss this further once more information is given.
Trustee Gary Lazette: Discussed that the emergency & exit lights have been purchased for the Library & will be installed soon.
Trustee Travis Horkey: Discussed that between Lenawee Rd & Ranken Rd. In need of berm removal.
Trustee Ken Jaworski: Has met again with Larry Kreps about contacting D&P. Will meet with him again soon to continue discussions about widening the road & moving things away from the road in the cemetery.
Treasurer Lisa Hunt: The treasurer discussed that she has been contacted about the conditions of the road between Ray & Petersburg Rd. Discussed if anything can be done to improve the conditions.
Clerk Sharayah Sanders: None
Old Business: None.
New Business: *Schedule A: Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to adopt schedule A appointments with the change of removing CJ horkey from the zoning board of appeals and updating with current ZBA member Travis Horkey. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
* Schedule B: Clerk Sanders made a motion to adopt schedule B appointments. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried. Let the record show that Trustee Gary Lazette abstained.
* Township salaries: Treasurer Hunt made a motion to adopt the township salary schedule. Trustee Gary Lazette supported. Motion carried.
*2021-2022 Meeting Schedule: Trustee Ken Jaworski made a motion to adopt the 2021-2022 meeting schedule. Trustee Gary Lazette supported. Motion carried.
Township Of Dundee Resolution 2021-4 MTPP Grant Resolution: Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-4 MTPP Grant. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. A roll call was taken. Treasurer Hunt- Yes Trustee CJ Horkey- Yes Trustee Ken Jaworski- Yes Trustee Gary Lazette- Yes Clerk Sanders- Yes Supervisor Uhl- Yes Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
ANY OTHER ADDITIONAL BOARD COMMENTS: *Supervisor Uhl discussed that Mackey will no longer be our ordinance officer. She is meeting with someone about becoming the new ordinance officer.
*Trustee Gary Lazette discussed the Code Red program. Also discussed the need to have information to the board in a timely manner so that all information can be read & members can make confident decisions on information the board discusses.
Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to pay the bills in the amount of $15,081.68. Trustee Gary Lazette supported. Motion carried.
Trustee Gary Lazette made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Ken Jaworski supported. Motion carried.
The Meeting ended at 8:00pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sharayah L. Sanders Dundee Township Clerk
Supervisor Joanna Uhl This page last updated on 3/29/2021.
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