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Dundee Township Planning Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes

November 17, 2021


Chairman Art Bronson brought the regular meeting for the month of November to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge was recited and roll call was taken.  Present were Ed Proctor, CJ Horkey, Bill Plumb and David Sedlar. George Salenbien and Jeanette Brockman were excused absences and Building Inspector Dennis Kolar was absent.


The minutes for the regular meeting/public hearing for June 16, 2021 were unanimously accepted after Mr. Sedlar supported Mr. Proctor’s motion to do so.


The agenda for this meeting was reviewed by everyone. CJ Horkey made a motion to accept it as printed, Mr. Sedlar seconded this motion and all were in favor.


Public present – Maria Bronson


Communications – There were no communications or public comments.


Scheduled Business


A. Discuss Commercial Solar Energy Ordinance - .Mr. Bronson noted that Supervisor Uhl had some concerns relating to Item p under Schedule of Uses. It covered WECS (Wind Energy Conversion Systems) but was mainly limited to residential and not commercial. She contacted Carlisle Wortman to get some information along those lines. Laura Kreps from CW sent back a 5 page Ordinance that they came up with for Berlin Township


B. Building Permits – There were no building permits due to the absence of Mr. Kolar.





Old Business – No old business


New Business – No new business


With no further business to discuss Mr. Sedlar made a motion to adjourn, Ms. Brockman seconded this motion, it was unanimously accepted. Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. 



__________________________                                                  __________________________     

Chairman                  Art Bronson                                                 Secretary                       David Sedlar    




 Date Approved

This page last updated on 1/19/2022.
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