Building Department
A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, March 9, 2021. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present was: Supervisor Uhl, Clerk Sanders, Treasurer Hunt and Trustees: Gary Lazette, C.J. Horkey, Travis Horkey and Ken Jaworski.
Adopt/Revise Agenda: The board needed to add, under new business, D & P cable franchise. As well as the resolution 2021-2, approving the installment purchase agreement, for the fire department PPE purchasing. Supervisor Uhl made the motion to add these to the agenda. Trustee CJ Horkey supported. Motion carried.
Approval of Budget workshop meeting minutes from February 25th, 2021. Trustee CJ Horkey made the motion to approve minutes with the correction of the building name needing improvement. Trustee Gary Lazette supported. Motion carried.
Approval of March 3, 2021 Budget meeting minutes. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to approve minutes with the correction of the building name needing improvement. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried.
Approval of Regular meeting minutes from February 23, 2021. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to approve. Clerk Sanders supported. Motion carried. The records show that Supervisor Uhl abstained, the minutes will be attested by Trustee Ken Jaworski.
CORRESPONDENCE: M-50 over River Raisin bridge repairs. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to waive the reading & place on file. Trustee Ken Jaworski supported. Motion carried.
Public comment: There was no public comment.
Official Reports:
Library: All branches of MCLS are now open at 50% capacity. Circulation numbers show down 55% but checked out about 1700 items for the month of January. "Share your rainbow" has started. Every night on MCLS Facebook page, you can log on and listen to someone read a story about their "rainbow", things that bring them hope, during the past year & for the future.
Assessing: Board of Review finished 3/9/21 around 4:30pm. Most issues were able to be handled through conversations with the home owners & assessor. Everything went smoothly.
Building: None
Supervisor Uhl: None
Trustee C.J Horkey: Trustee Horkey addressed a needed repair to Unit 6. The truck has a pump issue as well as some engine issues. The repairs to get the truck back into working order is $22,707.20. This will allow the truck to continue to be the first responding truck. Trustee C.J Horkey made a motion to move forward with the repairs in the amount of $22,707.20. The Fire Department has also requested the purchase of 5 tablets from First Net ( AT&T) for $0.99 per tablet with a monthly charge of $40.00 per tablet. Other fire departments around the area have also adopted this process with the tablets. Trustee C.J Horkey made a motion to purchase the tablets & authorize the monthly charges. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
Trustee Gary Lazette: Requested update for scheduling the clean up day in April. Also asked Supervisor Uhl to get updates on the culvert on Dixon Rd.
Trustee Travis Horkey: None
Trustee Ken Jaworski: Trustee Jaworski has made contact with D&P about the box in the cemetery that would need to be moved for the widening of the road. Is waiting for a return call from them. He also spoke with Larry Kreps about doing the work for widening the road & removing a tree. Larry gave an estimated quote of $3,500.00 to $4,000.00. More conversation will be had and the updates will be discussed at a later date.
Treasurer Lisa Hunt: None
Clerk Sharayah Sanders: None
Old Business: Dixon road estimates. The core samples looked promising so Supervisor Uhl is going to contact them to inquire about the gravel removal, identifying the tree removal plans and then will move forward with pursuing a contract for the "Hot-In-Place" process.
New Business: MCRC Excess Gradall Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to authorize the singing of the contract with a cost of $50,000.00. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
MCRC Dust control Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to authorize the signing of the contract with a cost of $29,500.00. Clerk Sanders supported. Motion carried.
Local Road Bridge on Bragg Rd Resolution 2021-3. This resolution explains that the bridge is structurally deficient, deteriorating, and in need of repairs. Therefore the Township of Dundee will commit 6% to the local share of the construction costs of the bridge repair should the grant application be awarded. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to authorize the Supervisor & Clerk to apply for the local bridge program for up to 6% local match. Treasurer Hunt supported.
A roll call was made. Treasurer Hunt- Yes Trustee CJ Horkey- Yes Trustee Gary Lazette- Yes Trustee Travis Horkey- Yes Trustee Ken Jaworski- Yes Clerk Sanders- Yes Supervisor Uhl- Yes. The vote was unanimous. Motion Carried.
Community Clean Up Day: April 24th, 2021. Clerk Sanders made a motion to schedule the cleanup date & to use Stevens Disposal. Trustee Gary Lazette supported. Motion carried.
D&P Uniform Video Service Local Franchise Agreement. Supervisor Uhl made a motion to complete the agreement, have our attorney review it, then sign/submit the agreement with D&P communications with franchise fees in the amount of 3%. Trustee CJ Horkey supported. Motion carried.
Resolution 2021-2 approving installment purchase agreement. The purchase of the PPE (turnout gear) for the Fire Department, at the cost of $108,845.00. With a 5 year payoff schedule. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to authorize Clerk Sanders & Supervisor Uhl to sign & enter into the contract for PPE. Trustee Travis Horkey supported.
A roll call was made. Treasurer Hunt- Yes Trustee CJ Horkey- Yes Trustee Gary Lazette- Yes Trustee Travis Horkey- Yes Trustee Ken Jaworski- Yes Clerk Sanders- Yes Supervisor Uhl- Yes Vote was unanimous. Motion Carried.
Supervisor Uhl made a motion to pay the bills for March 4, 2021 in the amount of $12,586.10. Trustee CJ Horkey supported. Motion carried.
Supervisor Uhl made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried. Our next meeting will be March 23,2021.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sharayah L. Sanders Dundee Township Clerk
Supervisor Joanna Uhl This page last updated on 3/16/2021.
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