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JUNE 28, 2022



A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, June 28, 2022.  Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present were: Trustees: Travis Horkey, Gary Lazette, CJ Horkey, and Ken Jaworski, Supervisor Uhl, Treasurer Hunt and Clerk Sanders. Treasurer Hunt made a motion to adopt the agenda. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to approve the minute from the meeting held on May 24, 2022 & waive the reading. Trustee Jaworski supported. Supervisor Uhl abstained. Motion carried. Treasurer Hunt made a motion to accept the Treasurers report for May 2022, with the adjustments to the last page of the report. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried. Treasurer Hunt made a motion to place one item of correspondence on file & waive the reading. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried.  



PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment at this time.




Library: There was no report at this time.

Assessing: Bryan Renius let the board know that the Board of Review has been scheduled for July 19, 2022 at 10AM.

Building Department: There was no report at this time.

Supervisor Uhl: A letter was sent to the Dundee superintendent after the presentation at the last regular board meeting regarding the traffic plan. Representatives from the Village of Dundee contacted Supervisor Uhl & Chief Motylinski about setting up a meeting on Wednesday July 6, 2022 to discuss the concerns & answer questions. A time has not yet been set but Supervisor Uhl will touch base & let anyone who has interest in attending, know what time the meeting will be. She also gave an update on Lowe Rd. Stone is to be put down on the road but they are having trouble fitting the equipment down the road due to the trees. They are looking into other equipment options.

Trustee C.J. Horkey: Trustee CJ Horkey discussed the Planning Commission meeting that was held on June 22, and that some changes are being made to the wind & solar ordinances.

Trustee Gary Lazette: Trustee Lazette thanked Trustee Travis Horkey for noticing the transformer that was leaking outside the library. After contacting DTE, it has been cleaned up/repaired.

Trustee Travis Horkey: Trustee Travis Horkey had no report at this time.

Trustee Ken Jaworski: Trustee Jaworski gave an update on the cemetery mowing status & has received calls complimenting how nice everything looks. After doing some research with the Clerk, everything is right on track with the previous mowing service as far as cost & amount of mowing per month.


Treasurer Lisa Hunt: Treasurer Hunt has sent the tax bills to the printers the week of June 14th. They should be mailed and to homeowners by July 1st


Clerk Sharayah Sanders: Clerk Sanders gave an update on the petitions returned to the clerks office for village candidates. As of today, one nominating petition has been turned in, 2 more have been pulled but not yet returned. She also discussed the Michigan Township Association annual dues. She will do some research on previous years cost & discuss at the next meeting.

Per the Bureau of Elections, all clerks were required to mail out new voter ID cards for all registered voters in their jurisdictions. After getting together with other clerks within the county, and speaking to Tim from Spectrum, the clerks decided to go in together to have the voter ID cards printed and mailed through Spectrum. Doing the printing and mailing through Spectrum saved roughly $1200.00 in cost.




*Solar Energy Moratorium Extension:

To be able to discuss any questions or changes, the current moratorium will need to be extended. Treasurer Hunt made a motion to extend the current moratorium for 60 days. Trustee Ken Jaworski supported. Motion carried.


*Wind Energy Moratorium Extention:

To be able to discuss any questions or concerns or changes, the current moratorium will need to be extended. Trustee Ken Jaworski made a motion to extend the current moratorium for 60 days. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.



*Resolution 2022-6 (Fire Truck master lease-purchase agreement):

Because the discussion about the purchase of a new fire truck was done at a previous meeting, the board will need to adopt the resolution 2022-6, which is step one in the purchasing process. 

Treasurer Hunt made a motion to adopt resolution 2022-6 to purchase the new fire truck, in the amount of $968,433.00. Clerk Sanders supported. A roll call was taken, the vote was unanimous (VOTES: YES=7, NO=0). Motion carried.


Florance Buchanan Presentation:

Florance Buchanan, the Chairperson for the Monroe County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Panel attended the meeting to give a presentation on the plans for bike paths and trails throughout the county. The plan presented was to develop a trail plan that would connect 156 miles of blueways & 160 miles of greenways stretching from southern Lake Huron through western Lake Erie. They also hope to update/add signage, and make bike paths and trails safer for riders. It was asked of the board to adopt a resolution of support of the Monroe County Trail and Bicycle Plan.





*Resolution 2022-4 (Resolution of Support for the Adoption of The Monroe County Trail & Bicycle Plan)

Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to adopt resolution 2022-7 as presented. Supervisor Uhl supported. A roll call was taken, motion carried. (VOTES YES=4, Trustee CJ Horkey, Treasurer Hunt, Clerk Sanders & Supervisor Uhl. VOTES NO= Trustee Ken Jaworski, Trustee Gary Lazette & Trustee Travis Horkey.)


In additional board comments, Trustee Lazette asked that the Clerk or Treasurer look into new chairs for the board.




Treasurer Hunt made a motion to pay the bills from 6/6/22 in the amount of $6,386.41. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.


Supervisor Uhl made a motion to pay the bills from 6/23/22 in the amount of $34,474.94. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.


Treasurer Hunt made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.


The next meeting will be on July 12, 2022 at 7PM.


               Respectfully Submitted,



  Sharayah Sanders

                                                                                    Dundee Township Clerk


Joanna Uhl

Dundee Township Supervisor


This page last updated on 7/27/2022.
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