Building Department
A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, May 9, 2023. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present were: Trustees: Alana Horkey, Ken Jaworski, Travis Horkey, Supervisor Uhl, Clerk Anderson, Gary Lazette, & Treasurer Hunt. Clerk Anderson did roll call.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Marilyn Larson commented on the ARPA grant fund.
OFFICIAL REPORTS LIBRARY: Jennifer Grudnoski presented a library update and reviewed activities. Dundee was the 3 highest circulation in Monroe County with 3500 items checked out.
ASSESSING: No report at this time.
BUILDING DEPARTMENT: No report at this time.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: Village Calls: 69, Township Calls: 11, Mutual Aid Calls: 1
SUPERVISOR UHL: The project for on Gloff Rd. is underway.
TRUSTEE ALANA HORKEY: Commented on her appreciation for the library activities and commented on attending the ZBA meeting.
TRUSTEE GARY LAZETTE: Trustee Lazette stated he would like to see information on replacing trustee chairs. Stated he would like to see funds be moved from G.F. to a Building Funds. He stated he shared concerns to Dundee Village about the curb in front of the Township building. He read reviewed the Trustee description from the MTA handbook.
TRUSTEE TRAVIS HORKEY: Commented on his appreciation for the cleanup at the cemeteries.
TRUSTEE KEN JAWORSKI: Will be tagging cemetery markers for brush cleanup.
TREASURER LISA HUNT: Tax settlement is done. There was an issue with the Summer-2022 bills not being received by several residents. Treasurer Hunt is looking at several things to prevent this from reoccurring.
CLERK JEAN ANDERSON: Reported an August election is now schedule for Summerfield school millage renewal. Stated the CILP will now be paid annually instead of quarterly.
Additional board comments:
Treasurer Hunt motioned to adjourn. Trustee Jaworski supported. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be June 13, 2023 at 7PM.
Attested: Respectfully Submitted,
Joanna Uhl Jean Anderson Dundee Township Supervisor Dundee Township Clerk
___________________________ __________________________ This page last updated on 5/22/2023.
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