Building Department
Boards>Minutes>February 23, 2021 DUNDEE TOWNSHIP REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 2021
A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held “VIA ZOOM”, Tuesday, February 23, 2021. Trustee C.J Horkey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present “Via Zoom” was: Clerk Sanders, Treasurer Hunt and Trustees: Gary Lazette, C.J. Horkey, Travis Horkey and Ken Jaworski. Supervisor Uhl was excused.
Trustee Travis Horkey moved to approve the meeting agenda and Treasurer Lisa Hunt supported. Motion carried. Trustee Gary Lazette moved to approve the Budget workshop minutes from the February 11,2021 and waive the reading. Clerk Sanders supported. Motion carried. Trustee Travis Horkey moved to approve the regular meeting minutes from February 9, 2021. Treasurer Lisa Hunt supported. Motion carried. Trustee Ken Jaworski moved to approve the January 2021 Treasurers report. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried.
Public comment: Commissioner Hoffman updated on repairs on 23 by summerfield exit. Bids will begin in March 2021.
Official Reports: Assessing: None
Building: None
Supervisor Uhl: None
Trustee C.J Horkey: None
Trustee Gary Lazette: Discussed that over the last 2 weeks the conditions of Dixon Rd has become rough. The core sample, for the "Hot in place" is being done Friday the 26th. Also, there was an issue with the furnace at the Library. That has been fixed and everything is back to working order.
Trustee Travis Horkey: None
Trustee Ken Jaworski: None
Treasurer Lisa Hunt: None
Clerk Sharayah Sanders: None
Old Business: Land division & combination Ordinance- To name 22D, Dated 2/23/21. Trustee Travis Horkey made a motion to adopt Ordinance and was supported by Trustee C.J Horkey.
Roll Call: Trustee Cj Horkey : Yes Trustee Ken Jaworski: Yes Trustee Gary Lazette: Yes Trustee Travis Horkey: Yes Treasurer Hunt: Yes Clerk Sanders:Yes Supervisor Uhl: Absent Vote was unanimous, Motion Passes
New Business: River Raisin watershed council: Trustee lazette made a motion to pay the membership dues for river raisin watershed council in the amount of $174.00. Supported by Treasurer Hunt. Motion Passed.
Lawn Mowing of cemeteries from Fairway Lawn Service contract. No changes were made to current contract. Same fees, charges, rates apply. Trustee Ken Jaworski made a motion to authorize the supervisor to sign contract and was supported by Trustee Travis Horkey.
Fire Hall Mowing contract with R&R. No changes to contract were made, same charges, fees & rates apply. A motion was made to authorize supervisor to sign contract by Trustee Travis Horkey & supported by C.J Horkey.
ANY OTHER ADDITIONAL BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Jaworski discussed the issues he believes it will cause in regards to Senator Zorn's Veteren tax exemption proposal that was previously discussed in our board meeting. The board had a discussion about what the current requirements are as well as what it would change.
Gary Lazette made a motion to pay the bills in the amount of $4,742.31. Supported by Trustee Ken Jaworski. Motion Passed.
The next budget workshop is March 3, 2021. The meeting chairperson, Trustee, C.J. Horkey, having noted that the agenda having been completed declared the meeting adjourned at 7:37 pm The next meeting will be March 9th, 2021.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sharayah L. Sanders Dundee Township Clerk
Ken Jaworski This page last updated on 3/4/2021.
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