A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, January 10, 2023. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Present were: Trustees: Gary Lazette, Travis Horkey & Ken Jaworski, Treasurer Hunt & Supervisor Uhl. Excused Absent: Clerk Anderson. Supervisor Uhl did roll call due to Clerk Anderson’s absence.
- Trustee Travis Horkey motioned to approve the agenda with the removal of CJ Horkey from official reports. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.
- Trustee Jaworski motioned to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on December 13, 2022. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.
- Treasurer Hunt Motioned waive the Correspondence reading and place on file. Trustee Jaworski Seconded motion. Motion Carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment.
LIBRARY: No report at this time.
ASSESSING: No report at this time.
BUILDING DEPARTMENT: No report at this time.
- 2023 Budget will need amending for clerk training and education. Clerk Anderson will determine amount needed before April 1st.
- Supervisor Uhl and Trustee Horkey are preparing for ARPA fund. Supervisor Uhl is requesting board ideas and questions to be submitted by Jan. 17th prior to ARPA Workshop scheduled that is scheduled for Jan. 24th at 6:00.
- MTA Meeting is scheduled for Jan. 26th at 7:00.
- Gloff Road project is underway.
TRUSTEE GARY LAZETTE: No report at this time.
TRUSTEE TRAVIS HORKEY: No report at this time.
TRUSTEE KEN JAWORSKI: No report at this time.
- Waiting for a response from Point and Pay for credit and debit card payment acceptance, which is integrated with BS&A and used by many municipalities.
- The approved ARPA Funds are $287,000. This amount will be referenced for the ARPA fund planning.
CLERK JEAN ANDERSON (due to excused absence was presented by Supervisor Uhl):
- Letters for Water Lottery were mailed January 3rd 2023
- Request for a ½ day General Ledger training session with BS&A at $500.Trustee Jaworski motioned to approve. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion Carried.
- Upcoming Training & Workshops:
- MTA 2023 Board of Review Training
- MTA Educational Conference & Expo (including Seminars for Boards)
- Planning & Zoning Training Workshops
- 2023-1 Resolution for Fireman Cadet Program was adopted in 2022, Supervisor Uhl motioned to change Resolution name to 2022-9 for proper record filing. Trustee Jaworski seconded. Motion Carried.
- Resolution 2023-1, Extending Moratorium on Large Scale Wind Energy Systems. Trustee Lazette motioned to adopt as Resolution 2023-1. Trustee Horkey seconded. Roll Call Vote for Resolution 2023-1 Adoption: Trustee Jaworski: Aye, Trustee Lazette: Aye, Trustee Travis Horkey: Aye, Trustee CJ Horkey: Aye, Treasurer Hunt: Aye, Clerk Anderson (excused absence), Supervisor Uhl: Aye, Resolution 2023-1 adopted.
- Resolution 2023-2, Extending Moratorium on Large Scale Solar Energy Systems. Trustee Horkey motioned to adopt as Resolution 2023-2. Trustee Lazette seconded. Roll Call Vote for Resolution 2023-1 Adoption: Trustee Jaworski: Aye, Trustee Lazette: Aye, Trustee Travis Horkey: Aye, Trustee CJ Horkey: Aye, Treasurer Hunt: Aye, Clerk Anderson (excused absence), Supervisor Uhl: Aye, Resolution 2023-2 adopted.
- Trustee Horkey mentioned concerns about the wording of ground mount accessory use in the solar moratorium. The current wording goes from Single use to Commercial and inadvertently prohibits Large Scale for Farmers. The board will discuss this further with the planner to see where it can be added. He also mentioned the two areas that bonding is required, application and decommission. Trustee Horkey suggested a third bond that might cover ongoing Admin/Operational costs as well as clarity of structure removal. Further discussion of this will be done with Kerry Bondy.
- Ditch Mowing Contract Proposal- Precision Irrigation & Lawn Care. This will be a 9.1% increase over 3 years. Trustee Jaworski motioned to approve as stated. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion Carried.
- MCRC 2023 Project Estimates- Noting two typos: Stewart: Plank not Plant and Saline River: Bigelow not Brewer. Trustee Lazette motion to approve to request contracts for all presented projects with corrections. Trustee Jaworski supported. Motion Carried.
- Trustee and Planning Commission Vacancy Discussion- The entire board decided to meet with each candidate for 10-minute increments with 4 planned questions, on Tuesday, January 17th at 7:00. Meeting with candidates in alphabetical order, the Planning Commission candidates will go first. Planning Commission members Dave and Art will be invited to attend. Supervisor Uhl motioned for special meeting to interview interested parties. Treasurer Hunt Seconded. Motion Carried.
- River Raisin Watershed Council Dues- Supervisor Uhl motioned to pay annual dues of $174.00. Treasurer Hunt Seconded. Motion Carried.
Additional board comments:
- Treasurer Hunt mentioned how impressive Fireman Rob Justice’s impact is on the community by seeing the amazing community support for his recovery.
Motion to pay bill on 12/22/22 in the amount of $9,676.59. Treasurer Hunt motioned to pay the bills with the amended total of $9,613.59. Supervisor Uhl supported. Motion carried.
Motion to pay the bills on 1/5/23 in the amount of $11,374.51. Supervisor Uhl motioned.
Treasurer Lazette supported. Motion carried.
Trustee Horkey motioned to adjourn. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be January 24, 2023 at 7PM.
Attested: Respectfully Submitted,
Joanna Uhl Jean Anderson
Dundee Township Supervisor Dundee Township Clerk