Building Department
Boards>Minutes>February 9, 2021 DUNDEE TOWNSHIP REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 9,2021
A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held “VIA ZOOM”, Tuesday, February 9, 2021. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present “Via Zoom” was: Supervisor Uhl, Clerk Sanders, Treasurer Hunt and Trustees: Gary Lazette, C.J. Horkey, Travis Horkey and Ken Jaworski.
Trustee C.J Horkey moved to approve the meeting agenda and Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried. Trustee Ken Jaworski moved to approve the minutes from the January 26,2021 Regular meeting and Trustee Gary Lazette supported. Motion carried. Supervisor Uhl moved to place correspondence on file and waive reading. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried.
Library: Jennifer gave an update/report of the day to day at the library & their ideas moving forward during the covid restrictions.
Assessing Department: Board of Review meetings are coming up & asked about meeting in person. Was discussed that meeting in person will be unavailable until the restriction has been lifted.
Building Department: None
Supervisor Uhl: Residents have asked for an ordinance to allow RTV’s on local back roads. Will discuss at a later date.
Trustee C.J: Fire department would like to purchase tablets through First Net. Need 5 tablets, at $7.92 up front cost & monthly charge of $174.95. Allows them to report on site. Discussion was had to see if these tablets can also correct a information issue as well as on site reporting. Deadline is the end of February. Will be looking for more information on the tablets to see if they can do other things for the fire department. We will discuss again at a later date.
Trustee Lazette: Library needs to replace their 5 Exit lights & 7 Emergency lights. Current ones are original to the building. Total cost to replace is $345.00 plus tax. Trustee C.J Horkey made a motion to purchase new exit & emergency lights, not to exceed $400.00. Trustee Ken Jaworski supported. Motion carried.
Trustee Travis Horkey: None
Trustee Jaworski: None
Treasurer Hunt: None
Clerk Sanders: None
OLD BUSINESS: Dixon Road project has 3 options. After discussing the process for each option, it was decided to ask for a contract for the “Hot-In-Place” process. A core sample will be done to see if eligible & a contract will be presented for approval once core sample is determined.
NEW BUSINESS: 2021 MCRC road contracts for mowing.
Trustee Ken Jaworski made a motion to give Supervisor Uhl & Clerk Sanders authority to sign contracts. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried.
The board discussed the fire department & the mutual aid check they received from Whiteford.
A Motion made by Trustee Travis Horkey and supported by Treasurer Lisa Hunt to pay the bills from 2/4/2021 in the amount of $20,265.04. Motion carried.
Motion made by Trustee Gary Lazette and supported by Trustee Ken Jaworski to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:50pm The next meeting will be Tuesday, February 23, 2021.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sharayah L. Sanders Dundee Township Clerk
Joanna Uhl Supervisor This page last updated on 3/1/2021.
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