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Dundee Township Planning Commission

Regular Meeting – Minutes

November 18, 2020


Chairman Art Bronson called the meeting for November 18, 2020 to order at 7:00 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the roll call was taken these members were present: Vice-Chairman Ed Proctor, Secretary David Sedlar, Commissioner Jeanette Brockman, Commissioner Bill Plumb, Liaison CJ Horkey and Building Inspector Dennis Kolar. Commissioner George Salenbien was an excused absence.


Due to the pandemic this meeting was a Zoom meeting. Liaison Horkey read a list of requirements for holding a meeting over the internet.


The minutes to the regular meeting from October were unanimously accepted after Mr. Proctor moved with support from Mr. Sedlar to do so.


With the agenda for the meeting having been reviewed Mr. Sedlar made the motion to accept it as written. Mr. Plumb supported his motion it was unanimously accepted.


There was no public present and no communications.


Scheduled Business


  1. Building Permits – Due to the format of the meeting there were no permits to review.    


Old Business – Chairman Bronson noted that he had sent over to Laura Kreps of Carlisle Wortman

                          a packet of the zoning ordinance amendments from the public hearing. He asked her

                          to put together a complete package for us to present to the Township Board. Once

                          she gets it back to us we will go over it and then submit it to the TB.  


New Business – There was no new business to discuss.


With nothing further to discuss Mr. Sedlar made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:18 p.m., Mr. Horkey supported this motion, it was unanimously accepted.


_________________________                                        __________________________

Secretary      -       David Sedlar                                        Chairman         -       Art Bronson



Approval Date

This page last updated on 6/9/2021.
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