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 Dundee Township Planning Commission

Regular Meeting/Charter Daycare Public Hearing Minutes

February 19, 2020


Chairman Art Bronson brought the regular meeting/public hearing for the month of February to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge was recited and roll call was taken these members were present: Ed Proctor, Gary Lazette, George Salenbien, Building Inspector Dennis Kolar and David Sedlar. Jeanette Brockman and Bill Plumb were unexcused absences.


The minutes for the Regular/Public Hearing meeting for December were unanimously accepted after David Sedlar supported Mr. Proctor motion to do so.


The agenda for the February 19, 2020 meeting was reviewed by everyone. Mr. Sedlar made a motion to accept it as printed, Mr. Proctor seconded his motion and all were in favor.


There was no public comment or communications.


Scheduled Business


  1. Charter Daycare Special Approval/Rezoning Public Hearing –  Chairman Bronson informed everyone present that the Planning Commission’s task for the rezoning/special approval request is to hold a public hearing in which information is gathered from the applicant, hear public input and then formulate a recommendation to the Township Board, who ultimately decides whether or not to approve, approve with certain stipulations or deny the request . He also noted that the Conditional Zoning Agreement that Mr. Charter had written up was good to go after being reviewed by the township attorney. He then asked for input from the building inspector. Mr. Kolar said he felt that everything looked good as far as the site plan was concerned. He did have a question as to the square footage for the play area, our ordinance requires 700 square feet.

        Chairman Bronson then asked Mr. Charter to give a short presentation of the business they plan on conducting at that location. Mr. Charter noted that the location was the old Monroe Bank & Trust building on M-50. They plan on putting an addition on the back of the current building and the back yard will be the play area. It will be a State of Michigan Licensed Child Care Center operating from 5:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday thru Friday. It will have a capacity of 125 children and a play area of 1200 square feet as mandated by the State. Mr. Kolar had a question as to how many parking spaces they had available. Mr. Charter noted that they would need about 3 or 4 for the people to drop off the children. He also noted that he would have 20 employees but there would only be 10 at the facility at any given time. Parking shouldn’t be a problem.          

       Mr. Lazette was questioning as to whether they had thought about the lighting situation. Mr. Charter noted that they were still in the planning stages of construction and up grading existing building issues. They would make sure that all of the lighting would be up to code. Mr. Sedlar said he felt they had met the criteria of the special approval and everything was in line for the rezoning. Along with Mr. Kolar keeping an eye on several things that needed to be addressed on the site plan. He then made a motion to recommend to the Township Board to pass the rezoning and grant the special approval. Mr. Proctor seconded his motion and all were in favor.

        Mr. Lazette noted that this could be on the agenda for the next regular TB meeting which will be next Tuesday the 25th. With the business of the Public Hearing concluded Mr. Proctor moved to adjourn the meeting Mr. Sedlar was in support it was unanimously accepted. The public hearing adjourned at 7:17 pm.


  1. Election of Officers – Mr. Salenbien made a motion to keep all the officers the same, Mr. Sedlar seconded his motion and it was unanimously passed. Art Bronson Chairman, Ed Proctor Vice-Chairman and David Sedlar Secretary.  


  1. Building Permits – There were no building permits to review, Mr. Kolar had technical problem with the office computers. He did mention that he had been quite busy with 3 to 4 new houses going up and a number of remodels.  


  1. 2019 Secretaries Report - Secretary David Sedlar submitted the secretaries report for 2019.



Old Business – No old business


New Business – No new business


With no further business to discuss Mr. Proctor made a motion to adjourn, Mr. Salenbien seconded this motion, it was unanimously accepted. Meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m. 


__________________________                                                  __________________________     

Chairman                  Art Bronson                                                 Secretary                       David Sedlar    



 Date Approved

This page last updated on 11/16/2020.
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