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Boards>Minutes>May 28, 2024

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A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday May 28th, 2024. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All present recited The Pledge of Allegiance.


Present were: Trustees: Alana Horkey, Ken Jaworski, Travis Horkey, Gary Lazette, Supervisor Uhl, Clerk Ziesmer, Treasurer Hunt. Clerk Ziesmer did roll call.


  • Treasurer Hunt moved to adopt the revised agenda. A. Horkey supported. Motion carried.
  • Supervisor Uhl moved to waive the reading and adopt the minutes from the regular meeting held on 2024, with the offered revision of adding ‘appoint’ Karla Ziesmer as Clerk. Hunt seconded. Motion carried.
  • Treasurer Hunt moved to waive the reading and approve the correspondences as presented. T. Horkey seconded. Motion carried.
  • Trustee A. Horkey motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report for April 2024. Treasurer Hunt supported motion. Motion carried.


CORRESPONDENCE:  Ordinance Officers Report- March/April







LIBRARY: No report at this time.


ASSESSING: No report at this time.


BUILDING DEPARTMENT: No report at this time.


FIRE DEPARTMENT: No report at this time.



  • Regular update on Ida School Millage issue. Four of the thirteen have been resolved.
  • Summer taxes will be sent to the printer by mid-June to be in house by July 1st.



  • Attended the MTA quarterly meeting at Monroe Charter Township with Supervisor Uhl. Frenchtown Township is starting up a Makers Market. Also, discussed the renewal of the Monroe County Senior Millage. It will be on the Primary Ballot in August. Last Senior Millage had a duration of 4 years. This current one will be for 10 years.




  • No report at this time.    



  • Received letter from Auditor. Signed and submitted letter to move forward with the Audit.  



  • No report at this time.  



  • Visited with Supervisor from Summerfield Township to discuss Mowing Vendors. Reached out to three new Vendors to get quotes for cemetery mowing.



  • Will discuss Dundee Area Business Association in Old Business.



  • Dundee Area Business Association annual fee is $45. Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month in the Busz Conference room. Supervisor Uhl motioned to become a member of the Dundee Area Business Association. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion carried.
  • Original Oak Grove Cemetery Fence quote of $11,750 with an additional quote for fencing along the front with a gate, of $4750. Trustee Jaworski motioned to hire Southeastern Fencing L.L.C. to take the bid, as described in the proposal, with additional fencing and gate quote, using ARPA funds totaling $16,500. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.



  • TMO Masonry gave a quote of $2700.00 to repair the Library brick in the front of building

and placing stone work on the wall behind the old condenser units. Supervisor Uhl motioned to accept the TMO quote of $2700.00 for Brick repair, stone work, labor and materials, using ARPA funds. Trustee Jaworski supported. Motion carried.

  • Mosher Electric gave a quote of $837.00 to install new outdoor Library light fixtures and replace the wire Molding for automatic door opener. Trustee Lazette motioned to accept the Mosher Electric quote of $837.00, using ARPA funds. Treasurer Hunt Supported. Motion carried.
  • Website proposals discussed. Supervisor Uhl motioned to accept the Revize Proposal to design and host the new Township Website. Lazette supported. Motion carried.
  • New e-mail account discussed. Supervisor Uhl motioned to accept the Revize Proposal to host our new e-mail at a cost of $75.00 per user per year. T. Horkey supported. Motion carried.


Additional board comments:

  •  Village of Dundee Police Department Deputy Chief Randy Sehl contacted Supervisor Uhl requesting the Dundee Township Borad consider contracting with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office to have a Monroe County Deputy assigned to the portion of the Bicentennial Celebration that will be held at Rod Park on Saturday August 10, 2024. Uhl discussed with Chief Deputy Zeunen of the Monroe County Sheriff’s office, the cost of providing a deputy for an 8-hour shift that day. Cost depends on the seniority of the person filling the assignment. The lowest amount would be $394.96. The highest possible amount would be $652.00. Trustee Lazette motioned to have Deputy Chief Deputy Zeunen provide a deputy for an 8-hour shift August 10th, 2024 in the amount and not to exceed $652 as presented. A. Horkey supported. Motion carried.



A. Horkey motioned to pay bills from May 9, 2024 in the amount of $70,202.29. Hunt seconded. Motion Carried.


Hunt motioned to pay bills from May 23, 2024 in the amount of $13,207.47. Trustee Lazette seconded. Motion Carried.



Supervisor Uhl motioned to adjourn at 8:04 pm. Lazette supported. Motion Carried.


The next meeting will be, June 11, 2024 at 7:00PM. 



Attested:                                                                         Respectfully Submitted,

Joanna Uhl                                                                           Karla Ziesmer

Dundee Township Supervisor                                              Dundee Township Clerk


___________________________                                                 __________________________


This page last updated on 6/5/2024.
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