Building Department
A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, March 8, 2022. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present were: Supervisor Uhl, Treasurer Hunt, Clerk Sanders and Trustees: Gary Lazette, CJ Horkey, Ken Jaworski & Travis Horkey. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to approve the minutes from the budget workshop held on February 22, 2022.Trustee Ken Jaworski supported. Motion carried. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular board meeting held on February 22, 2022 with the amendment to the acreage amount. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried. There was one item of correspondence, ZBA meeting minutes. Trustee Travis Horkey made a motion to place on file & waive the reading. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. OFFICIAL REPORTS: Library Reports: Jennifer from the Library was unable to attend this weeks meeting but hopes to make the March 29th meeting. Assessing Department: The Board of Review met March 8, 2022 for a short meeting. Building Department: No report at this time. Supervisor Uhl: Supervisor Uhl discussed having a workshop with the Village of Dundee to discuss the cycle of development in Dundee. Tim Lake has agreed to design a program to discuss with the Township as well as the Village, how to prepare for growth & development within Dundee. Trustee C.J. Horkey: Trustee CJ Horkey had no official report at this time. Trustee Gary Lazette: Trustee Gary Lazette had no official report at this time. Trustee Travis Horkey: Trustee Travis Horkey discussed the Dixon Rd. concerns in the spots where the MCRC replaced cross tiles. Trustee Ken Jaworski: Trustee Jaworski was contacted by Tonya from the Independent about solar powered flashing stop signs that Maybee Township removed & have for sale in the amount of $1,200.00 each. He discussed wanting to purchase them & place them at the intersection at Dixon Rd & Wells Rd. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to authorize the purchase of the stop signs after approval from the Monroe County Road Commission, with a cost not to exceed $2700.00. Treasurer Hunt supported with the amendment to also reach out to the home owners located around the intersection who may be affected by the flashing. Motion carried. Treasurer Lisa Hunt: Treasurer Hunt gave an update on taxes collected & is currently working with the Village and County to wrap things up by April 1, 2022. Clerk Sharayah Sanders: No official report at this time.
OLD BUSINESS: In old business the board discussed the Mayfly festival donation request. After some discussion, Trustee Travis Horkey made a motion to not donate to the Mayfly Festival this year. Trustee Gary Lazette supported. Motion carried.
NEW BUSINESS: In new business the board discussed the Bragg Rd. bridge program. Supervisor Uhl will gather more information as to what the 5% match would be and discuss at a later date. The second item of new business was the Chater Township discussion. Trustee Gary Lazette made a motion to adopt the resolution of intent opposing incorporation as a charter township (Resolution 2022-4). Trustee CJ Horkey supported & a roll call was taken. Vote was unanimous (7-0) Motion carried. The third item of new business Supervisor Uhl discussed community clean-up day. Clean up day will be on April 30, 2022 at Rod Park from 8am-1pm.
ANY OTHER ADDITIONAL BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Lazette and Supervisor Uhl discussed the concern previously brought up about the bridge deck on Bigelow & saline river rd. Supervisor Uhl is currently waiting for a response. Trustee Travis Horkey moved to pay the bills from March 3, 2022 in the amount of $211,817.35. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
Treasurer Hunt moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried. The meeting ended at 7:54pm. The next meeting will be March 29, 2022. Respectfully Submitted,
Sharayah Sanders Dundee Township Clerk Attested: This page last updated on 3/22/2022.
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