Building Department
Boards>Minutes>December 14, 2021 DUNDEE TOWNSHIP REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 14, 2021
A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, December 14, 2021. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present were: Supervisor Uhl, Treasurer Hunt, Clerk Sanders and Trustees: Gary Lazette, CJ Horkey, Ken Jaworski & Travis Horkey. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried. Clerk Sanders made a motion to approve the workshop minutes from November 8, 2021 and waive the reading. Trustee Ken Jaworski supported. Motion carried. Trustee Gary Lazette made a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes from November 9, 2021 and waive the reading. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to accept the October 2021 treasurers report. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to waive the reading and place the 3 items of correspondence (The American rescue plan letter, DTE case #U-21050 & Notice of public hearing-Deerfield Township) on file. Clerk Sanders supported. Motion carried. Supervisor Uhl made an announcement on the passing of Wendy Schuyler. Wendy was the Township/Library custodian & member of our Township family. She will be deeply missed & her family is in our thoughts. In official reports, the Assessing department held their board of review today 12/14/21 & also had the AMAR review last week. AMAR is a state audit of the Assessing departments. Bryan Renius received 10 out of 10 for Dundee Township as well as 2 other jurisdictions he oversees. Supervisor Uhl let the board know that the township plumbing inspector, Willie Higgs, has come in to let her know he is retiring. He & his wife would like to do some traveling & relaxing. He has to submit his resignation in writing but if the board has any suggestions or knows anyone interested in the position, to pass that information along to the supervisor. Supervisor Uhl also updated the board on the chloride for gravel roads. After speaking with Dave Leach, it was recommended to do the chloride in early spring. Trustee CJ Horkey gave an update of the Fire Department calls. In November they had 54 calls in the village, 19 calls in the township & 6 mutual aid calls. The fire chief anticipates hitting 1000 calls by the end of the year. Chief Motylinski also turned in 3 federal grants in hopes of a replacement fire truck as well as other equipment for the fire department. Trustee Gary Lazette attended a code seminar last month and requested that he be reimbursed for his expenses. The cost of the seminar & hotel was $309.47. That cost is split between the 3 municipalities that Trustee Lazette inspects for. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to reimburse Trustee Lazette in the amount of $103.15, with a Thank you for all of his work. Trustee Ken Jaworski supported. Motion carried. Trustee Travis Horkey had no report at this time. Trustee Ken Jaworski gave an update on the cemeteries. After the very windy weather of the previous weekend, Trustee Jaworski drove through both cemeteries and thankfully noticed no damage to anything. Treasurer Hunt gave an update on the tax mailing. Everything went well & the cost was under what was originally budgeted. Clerk Sanders discussed the work Treasurer Hunt & Supervisor Uhl have been doing, going over the current status of some of the accounts. We will go over it at the next meeting with the board so that we can discuss any adjustments that need to be made. There was no old business to discuss for this meeting. In new business, Jennifer Kelly from the Bed & Breakfast attended the meeting to give an annual report/update. They have made many updates, painting, added bathrooms, updates to the suites, updated furniture, WIFI, porch furniture and installed additional cameras to porch & parking area. Occupancy rates have increased this year for the off-season months. They continue to have a diversity of reasons that bring in guests. From celebrating special occasions, weekend get-aways, visiting family in the area, attending a UofM event to just traveling through. They have plans to continue updates to the space with a 3rd guest room, expanding the breakfast menu & offering a sit-down breakfast as well as to open up living room and dining room space for guest use. Dan Wyse attended the meeting to discuss the 2022 mowing contract. There is a roughly 10% increase in the cost due to a raise in production cost. Trustee Ken Jaworski made a motion to approve the 4-year mowing contract in the amount of $22,000.00 per year. Trustee CJ Horkey supported. Motion carried. The board discussed the County of Monroe and Dundee Township Public Safety System Agreement from the Monroe County Central Dispatch. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to enter into the agreement. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried.
The Township received a letter from RLC lawncare notifying us that they will no longer be doing snow removal. The board discussed finding someone to do the snow removal in the interim and then accepting bids for a contract. Supervisor Uhl has contacted a couple different places close to the area about new contracts but needs suggestions for other companies to contact. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to approve Supervisor Uhl to find a company to do snow removal at the Fire Hall, Township Hall & Library until we can find a company to do it full time, at a cost not to exceed a 15% increase from the previous contract amount. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
Due to the approaching holiday season, the board discussed canceling the December 28, 2021 regular board meeting. Trustee Gary Lazette made a motion to cancel the meeting. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried. The next meeting will then be held Tuesday January 11th 2021 at 7pm.
In additional board comments, supervisor Uhl spoke with Fire Chief Motylinski about the cleaning company that cleans the fire hall, Clean Freaks, possibly helping out with some of the custodial duties for the library & township hall in the interim until our next meeting on January 11, 2021. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to authorize the supervisor to find cleaning services, not to exceed 15% of the previous contract amount, until our next meeting. Trustee Gary Lazette supported. Motion carried. Trustee Ken Jaworski congratulated the new clerk & treasurer on 1 year in their new positions. The previous Treasurer and Clerk, Linda Sontag & Janet Salenbien, have been a huge help & we are so thankful for all their advice and guidance during the transition.
Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to approve the bills from 11/29/21 in the amount of $29,363.67. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried. Clerk Sanders made a motion to pay the bills from 12/9/21 in the amount of $7,082.38. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
Treasurer Hunt made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Ken Jaworski supported. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:49pm. The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 11, 2022.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sharayah Sanders Dundee Township Clerk
Attested: Joanna Uhl Supervisor
This page last updated on 3/22/2022.
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