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A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday July 23, 2024. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All present recited The Pledge of Allegiance.


Present were: Trustees: Alana Horkey, Ken Jaworski, Travis Horkey, Gary Lazette, Supervisor Uhl, Clerk Ziesmer, Treasurer Hunt. Clerk Ziesmer did roll call.


  • Treasurer Hunt motioned to revise the agenda adding J-Peg Invoice under new business. Trustee T. Horkey supported. Motion carried.
  • Treasurer Hunt motioned to amend the minutes from the regular meeting held on June 11th, 2024 with the correction of Salenbien trucking, adding that it would be paid from funds left over from Spring Clean Up. A. Horkey seconded. Motion carried.
  • Treasurer Hunt motioned to waive the reading of the two correspondences and place on file. Trustee T. Horkey Support. Motion carried.
  • Treasurer Hunt motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report from May 2024. Trustee A Horkey seconded. Motion carried.
  • Trustee Lazette motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report from June 2024. Treasurer Hunt second. Motion carried.



PUBLIC COMMENT: Several Dundee Citizens expressed their concern on Cemetery Clean Up at Maple Grove and Oak Grove.




LIBRARY: No report at this time


ASSESSING: Completed July board of review on the 16th.


BUILDING DEPARTMENT: No report at this time


FIRE DEPARTMENT: Total calls for May were 83. Village Calls: 63, Township Calls: 18, Mutual Aid Calls: 2. Total Calls for June were 67. Village: 21, Township Calls: 21, Mutual Aid: 1.


TREASURER LISA HUNT: Taxes are steadily coming in. No further calls about Ida School Millage


TRUSTEE GARY LAZETTE:  Wrote letters to the Governor, Senator Bellino and State Representative Miller requesting them to look into putting an interchange at US-23 at Milwaukee Rd to alleviate the congestion at M-50 and Ann Arbor Rd. In 2-3 weeks, he should be having a meeting with Rep Miller, her Liaison and MDOT to discuss.


CLERK KARLA ZIESMER: Continuing to receive absentee ballots. Early voting starts at Raisinville Township Saturday July 27th.


SUPERVISOR UHL: No report at this time.


TRUSTEE TRAVIS HORKEY: Sink hole repaired on Dixon Rd.



TRUSTEE KEN JAWORSKI: No report at this time.


TRUSTEE ALANA HORKEY:  No report at this time.


OLD BUSINESS:  No old business at this time.



  • Trustee A. Horkey motioned to accept Dundee Township Property Winter Tax Rate form L4029. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.
  • Trustee Lazette motion to accept the quote from Eby Enterprises to repair Library wall near the front door and paint front curb safety yellow, in the amount of $1100 using ARPA funds. A. Horkey second. Motioned carried.
  • The board Reviewed a quote from Auxillio for Floor Cleaning at the Library. Will look into the current budget and place on the agenda for the next board meeting.
  • The Board reviewed a Consultation plan that include training from BS&A and assistance from financial consultant Jim Beck. Cost estimate will be presented at the next meeting.
  • The Board asked Trustee Jaworski to draw up a plan and seek bids to clean brush at Maple Grove and Oak Grove Cemetery. Trustee Jaworski motioned to approve the quote from Leon Salenbien, not to exceed $3000, to have stone placed on the back drive at Maple Grove Cemetery. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.
  • The Planning commission held a public hearing and made a recommendation to the Township Board to approve the conditional rezoning, as they did. Trustee Jaworski motioned to approve the Salenbien Performance Conditional rezoning. Treasurer Hunt supported. Roll Call vote: Trustee Alana Horkey – yes, Trustee Jaworski – yes, Treasurer Hunt – yes, Trustee Travis Horkey – yes, Supervisor Uhl – yes. Clerk Ziesmer - yes, Trustee Lazette - yes. Motion carried.
  • Special Approval requested from Attorney’s Office for Salenbien Performance LLC. Trustee Jaworski motioned to approve the Salenbien Performance, LLC Special Approval. Treasurer Hunt supported. Roll Call vote: Trustee Alana Horkey – yes, Trustee Jaworski – yes, Treasurer Hunt – yes, Trustee Travis Horkey – yes, Supervisor Uhl – yes. Clerk Ziesmer - yes, Trustee Lazette - yes. Motion carried.
  • Supervisor Uhl reported she talked to our Planner and our Attorney in regards to the State Law concerning the Large Scale Wind Energy Systems. Work on our WECS ordinance is still continuing.
  • Trustee Lazette received a quote of $4,800 from Concrete Saw Cutters LLC, to repair/replace the Concrete in the back of the Township Hall. Waiting on another bid to remove concrete and replace with gravel.
  • Fire Department needs new electronic key fabs and key cards to enter the building. Jpeg Design Gave a quote of $3580.38 to replace and install a new system. Treasurer Hunt motioned to approve the quote from Jpeg Design, using the remaining ARPA funds of $1009.33, and the remaining balance of $2571.05 from the general funds. Trustee Lazette supported. Motioned carried.



Additional board comments:



Trustee Jaworski motioned to pay bills from June 20, 2024 in the amount of $220,474.83. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion Carried.


Treasurer Hunt motioned to pay bills from July 4, 2024 in the amount of $40,569.55. A. Horkey seconded. Motion Carried.


Trustee Lazette motioned to pay bills from July 18, 2024 in the amount of $46,774.97.  Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion Carried.



Trustee Jaworski motioned to adjourn at 8:28 p. m. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion Carried.


The next meeting will be August 13th, 2024 at 7:00PM. 



Attested:                                                                         Respectfully Submitted,

Joanna Uhl                                                                           Karla Ziesmer

Dundee Township Supervisor                                              Dundee Township Clerk


___________________________                                                 __________________________




This page last updated on 7/29/2024.
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