A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, September 26, 2023. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present were: Trustees: Alana Horkey, Ken Jaworski, Travis Horkey, Supervisor Uhl, Clerk Anderson, Gary Lazette & Treasurer Hunt. Clerk Anderson did roll call.
- Trustee Alana Horkey motioned to approve the revised agenda, adding the Resolution 2023-12 Express Support to Maintain Local Control Over Local Land Uses & the Approval of the Closed Session Minutes held on September 12, 2023. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
- Trustee Jaworski motioned to waive the reading and approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on September 12, 2023. Trustee Lazette seconded. Treasurer Hunt abstained. Motion carried.
- Supervisor Uhl motioned to waive the reading, approve the minutes from the closed session meeting and keep the sealed minutes on file for 1-year and 1-day from the meeting date held on September 12, 2023. Trustee Lazette seconded. Treasurer Hunt abstained. Motion carried.
- Trustee Lazette motioned to waive the reading and approve the minutes from the special meeting held on September 12, 2023. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Trustee Jaworski, Trustee Alana Horkey & Trustee Travis Horkey abstained. Motion carried.
- Treasurer Hunt motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report for August 2023. Trustee Travis Horkey seconded. Motion carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Scott Desbrough inquired about the permit process.
LIBRARY: No report at this time.
ASSESSING: No report at this time.
BUILDING DEPARTMENT: No report at this time.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: Total fire calls this month were 115, Village – 64, Township – 51. YTD calls 730.
- The fire conference attended on September 12th was geared towards full-time fire departments and valuable to attend.
- Proposed new Emergency Management System – due to current system being bought-out. Will look at obtaining new contract the first of 2024.
TREASURER LISA HUNT: Point and Pay has been successful, with a large amount of online payments made.
- Attended the Annual Road Commission meeting. The 2024 road construction projected schedule was presented as well as a project history completion schedule. Additional proposed work to complete for fall of 2023 was presented, which will be reviewed.
- Spoke with a Land Developer who contacted her regarding a solar community. Which if proceeded would install concealed vertical panels.
- Supervisor Uhl is meeting with Dundee Products manager regarding the noise concerns.
- The Ida Schools Special Election is on-track, absentee ballots are being mailed next week.
- All computers have been installed.
- Work on the library ac wall is starting the beginning of October.
- Work on a well was done at Maple Grove Cemetery. Placed a drive marker at location.
- A Code Red message will be made for Fire Prevention Week and Fire Department Open House. Open House scheduled for October 10, 4:00-7:00.
TRUSTEE TRAVIS HORKEY: No report at this time.
- Waiting for cleanup work to be completed.
- Stated she reviewed the website information emailed and is interested in adding input when we are ready to proceed.
OLD BUSINESS: No Old Business
- Resolution 2023-10 – Adopting Township Spending Policy was discussed and Reviewing Credit Card Resolution 2023-9. Trustee Alana Horkey motioned to approve Resolution 2023-10. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Roll Call vote was done by Clerk Anderson. Trustee Travis Horkey – Yes, Trustee Ken Jaworski – No, Trustee Gary Lazette – Yes, Trustee Alana Horkey – Yes, Clerk Anderson – Yes, Treasurer Hunt – Yes, Supervisor Uhl – Yes. Motion Carried.
- PA116 -Stanger reviewed, including approval from Monroe Conservation District and Monroe County Community Planning and Engagement. Supervisor Uhl motioned to approve PA-116, Treasurer Hunt seconded. Roll call vote was done by Clerk Anderson. Trustee Gary Lazette – Yes, Trustee Alana Horkey – Yes, Clerk Anderson – Yes, Treasurer Hunt – Yes, Supervisor Uhl – Yes, Supervisor Uhl – Yes, Trustee Ken Jaworski – Yes, Trustee Travis Horkey – Yes, Treasurer Hunt – Yes. Motion Carried.
- Fire Department Stryker outstanding invoice from 2021 was reviewed. Supervisor Uhl motioned to pay invoice # 10290785 for $3,737.04 from 206 fire millage fund by moving funds from the 206-fund balance to the 206-000-977 equipment fund.
- Election Camera quote was presented for the election camera, hardware and installation. A second quote was presented for the replacement of a network switch. Discussion determined to confirm with D&P on network switch and obtaining more quotes, then to revisit at next meeting.
- Resolution 2023-11 – Investment Policy and Depository Designation was discussed and reviewed for Michigan Class Investing. A fee of 0.13% on interest of return with no transaction fees. Multiple municipalities use Michigan Class and earn up to a 5% return. Supervisor Uhl motioned to adopt Resolution 2023-11 Investment Policy and Depository Designation. Trustee Alana Horkey seconded. Roll call vote done by Clerk Anderson. Motion Carried.
- Amendment to Schedule A, per Investment Policy to Bank Depositors, now including Michigan Class. Trustee Alana Horkey motioned to amend Schedule A as presented. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion carried.
- Resolution 2023-12 - Express Support to Maintain Local Control Over Local Land Uses was discussed and reviewed. Trustee Alana Horkey motioned to adopt Resolution 2023-12. Trustee Jaworski seconded. Discussion suggested to also send a copy of the Resolution to Representative Reggie Miller in addition to those listed with the Resolution. Roll call vote done by Clerk Anderson. Trustee Gary Lazette – Yes, Trustee Travis Horkey – Yes, Clerk Anderson – Yes, Treasurer Hunt – Yes, Supervisor Uhl – Yes, Trustee Ken Jaworski – Yes, Trustee Alana Horkey – Yes. Motion Carried.
Additional board comments:
- The Annual MTA meeting is scheduled for September 28th at 6:30 at Monroe Township Hall. Anyone interested in attending should notify Supervisor Uhl.
Trustee Lazette motioned to pay the bills from September 21, 2023 in the amount of $160,830.68. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion Carried.
Treasurer Hunt motioned to adjourn at 8:26pm. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be October 10, 2023 at 7:00PM.
Attested: Respectfully Submitted,
Joanna Uhl Jean Anderson
Dundee Township Supervisor Dundee Township Clerk
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