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October 19, 2022

 Dundee Township Planning Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes

October 19, 2022


Chairman Art Bronson brought the regular meeting for the month of October to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge was recited and roll call was taken these members were present: Ed Proctor, Bill Plumb, George Salenbien, David Sedlar, and Building Inspector Dennis Kolar. CJ Horkey and Jeanette Brockman were excused absences.


The minutes for the Regular meeting for June were unanimously accepted after Mr. Sedlar supported Mr. Proctor’s motion to do so.


The agenda for the October 19, 2022, meeting was reviewed by everyone. Mr. Plumb made a motion to accept it as printed, Mr. Sedlar seconded his motion, and all were in favor.


Public Comment - There was no public comment


Communications – Mr. Sedlar noted that he talked to Supervisor Uhl about looking for future PC members.  


Scheduled Business


  1. Desbrough Site Plan Review – Chairman Bronson asked Building Inspector Dennis Kolar to present the specifics of the site plan and give an evaluation. After explaining the proposed work to the site, he noted his first concern was of potential drainage problems. He felt that water would pond around the building and the future addition.  Mr. Desbrough said he hadn’t encountered any flooding issues.

      Mr. Kolar noted that the required setbacks were met, but the dimensions of the building were in question due to the fact that there was no architectural drawing presented.  The building plans were generated by D & L Metal Sales which he saw as inadequate. He said the ordinance calls for a drawing that covers building codes and specific areas like the storage and mechanic’s shop.  He quoted the fire suppression requirements and exceptions for that size of structure. Chairman Bronson asked Mr. Kolar what specifically would be required to continue with the project. He answered that among other things, the architect would need to add the building code requirements including the use group, occupant load and the exiting or fire suppression.

       Mr. Kolar was still concerned about the potential for local flooding. Mr. Desbrough stated there would be six inches of concrete poured that would compensate for the low grade. Mr. Kolar said that the specific grades and drainage need to be shown on the site plan. There was no further discussion.  In order to help Mr. Desbrough move forward with the project, Mr. Sedlar made a motion to recommend the Township Board accept the site plan, providing all of the aforementioned recommendations be addressed, as well as any other items that may be deemed by the Building Inspector to be necessary to meet the requirements of the ordinance.  Mr. Plumb seconded his motion, and all were in favor.      


  1. Building Permits – Mr. Kolar distributed a list of building permits that were issued since the beginning of the year, which were reviewed by everyone present.



Old Business – No old business


New Business – No new business


With no further business to discuss Mr. Proctor made a motion to adjourn, Mr. Sedlar seconded this motion, it was unanimously accepted. Meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m. 


This page last updated on 9/26/2023.
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