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March 16, 2022

Dundee Township Planning Commission

Regular Meeting/ Simon Animal Kennel Public Hearing – Minutes

March 16, 2022


Chairman Art Bronson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. After reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the roll call found these people present: Ed Proctor, David Sedlar, Building Inspector Dennis Kolar, CJ Horkey and Bill Plumb. George Salenbien and Jeanette Brockman were excused absences.  


Mr. Horkey made a motion with support from Mr. Proctor to accept the minutes to the January meeting as printed. They were unanimously accepted.  


Mr. Proctor made a motion to accept the agenda as printed, Mr. Plumb seconded his motion, and all were in favor.


Public Comment – There was no public comment. A list of public present will accompany these minutes.


Communications – There were no communications.



Scheduled Business:


  1. Simon Animal Kennel Special Approval Public Hearing – Chairman Bronson stated the purpose of the public hearing was to hear the request of Chelsea Simon of 13589 Radka Road, who proposed to build an animal kennel on her property, which requires a public hearing as noted in section 15.2 Special Approval Procedures of the Dundee Township Ordinance. He then read the standards that must be met in order to grant the special approval. He also noted that the Planning Commission was a fact-finding board that ultimately makes a recommendation to the township board, who has the authority to grant the special approval permit. Building Inspector Kolar said that the site plan that was submitted by Ms. Simon had no problems. Chairman Bronson asked Ms. Simon to present her plan.

        Ms. Simon said that she had managed a doggy daycare/boarding facility in Ann Arbor for the previous ten years. It was privately owned but was taken over by another party. She would like to start a small-scale country resort type dog kennel. She doesn’t like the term kennel as they don’t plan on using chain link fencing.  She specializes in behavioral management of dogs. It will be calming environment to help control barking and she has a specific course of action for overanxious animals, up to and including ejection from the facility.  The building will be insulated for sound. Mr. Proctor questioned as to how many individual kennels would be in the building.  She stated the plan calls for five kennels that can hold up to two dogs each along with an adjacent outside run approximately 4 ½ feet x 10 feet x 6 feet high.

        With nothing further from the board, Chairman Bronson opened the hearing to input from the public present. Gwen McCloud had concerns about the noise from barking dogs. Ms. Simon said they would only be outside from 7 am to 7 pm and that they would be allowed out every 2 hours for 15 to 20 minutes each day. Another person wanted to know what kind of fencing they would have for when the animals would be outside. She said they have an 8-foot, solid privacy fence planned. Mr. Kolar noted that only 6 feet is allowed in the ordinance. Chairman Bronson noted that if she wanted to specify 8 feet, it could be included as a stipulation in the special approval permit. Another person questioned whether she would be increasing the capacity at any time. She said there were no such plans and the Chair reminded everyone that it would require another public hearing to do so.

       With no further discussion Mr. Sedlar noted that she seems to have addressed the noise concerns along with meeting all the special approval standards. He made a motion to recommend the Township Board grant the special approval including the 8 foot privacy fencing. Mr. Proctor supported his motion, and all were in favor.  Mr. Horkey said the matter would be on the agenda at next township board meeting, March 29.

      With business concluded for the public hearing, CJ Horkey made a motion to adjourn, Ed Proctor seconded the motion, and all were in favor. Public Hearing adjourned at 7:32 pm.


  1. Discuss Commercial Solar and WECS Ordinance. -  Mr. Sedlar stated that he had talked to Laura Kreps from Carlisle Wortman about strengthening the decommissioning in both the Solar and the WECS ordinances. She then sent over a sample of that information, and it was forwarded to everyone else in an email. She also noted that restricting both Solar and Wind energy to industrial zoning was allowable.   

        Chairman Bronson then introduced Ned Birkey, retired from MSU Extension service and currently consulting with Monroe County on Agricultural and Natural Resource Matters. Mr. Birkey is visiting all the townships in Monroe County and distributing information about alternative energy sources. He stated that he is not advocating either way on such things and proceeded with a short presentation naming several sources, brochures and pamphlets that he offered to copy or send to whoever would like them.


  1. Building Permits – There were no building permits to review.


Old Business – There was no old business to discuss.


New Business – There was no new business to discuss.



With nothing further to discuss Mr. Proctor moved to adjourn, Mr. Sedlar supported this motion, it was unanimously accepted. Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.

This page last updated on 9/26/2023.
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