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Boards>Minutes>May 23, 2023

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A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, May 23, 2023. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 


Present were: Trustees: Alana Horkey, Ken Jaworski, Travis Horkey, Supervisor Uhl, & Treasurer Hunt. Absent were: Clerk Anderson & Gary Lazette. Supervisor Uhl did roll call.


  • Treasurer Hunt motioned to approve the revised agenda. Trustee Alana Horkey supported. Motion carried.
  • Trustee Travis Horkey motioned to waive the reading and approve the revised minutes from the meeting held on May 9, 2023. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion carried.


PUBLIC COMMENT: Howard Ciley commented on the fire department.



LIBRARY: No report at this time.


ASSESSING: No report at this time.


BUILDING DEPARTMENT: No report at this time.


FIRE DEPARTMENT: Runs 68, 6 mutual aide. 71% runs in the Village.


SUPERVISOR UHL: DTE Hearing June 14, 2023.  MTA County Chapter Meeting Report – Semcog Speakers.


TREASURER LISA HUNT: Tax Bills will be prepared in June.  Treasurer’s Office will be closed the week of July 4th, as it has been for the last two years.  Point and Pay update – following up on questions from Township Attorney


CLERK JEAN ANDERSON: No report at this time.


TRUSTEE GARY LAZETTE: No report at this time.


TRUSTEE TRAVIS HORKEY: Commented on his appreciation for the cleanup at the cemeteries.


TRUSTEE KEN JAWORSKI: Commented on cemeteries being mowed.


TRUSTEE ALANA HORKEY: Memorial Day Parade reminder.



  • Firehall Landscape Bid presented. Alana Horkey motioned to approve the bid from American Turf Care to install landscaping and a soaker system with timers to automatically water the plants at a cost not to exceed $22,000. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion carried.


  • 2020 Fireman Payroll was reviewed for the board acknowledgement since record of board action related to the pay cannot be found. The 2020 Fireman Payroll of additional pay of $39,066.75 received in addition to their regular run pay. Supervisor Uhl motioned to acknowledge the 2020 Firefighter payroll as presented. Trustee Jaworski seconded. Motion carried.
  • Firefighter Premium Pay discussed the use of ARPA Funds to provide Hazard (Premium Pay) to the Dundee Township Volunteer Firefighters in the manner presented by Fire Chief Motylinski.  The gross is not to exceed $135,000. Trustee Jaworski motioned to approve the Hazard Pay to the Dundee Township Volunteer Firefighters as presented. Trustee Travis Horkey seconded. Roll Call Vote: Treasurer Hunt – yes, Trustee Travis Horkey – yes, Trustee Jaworski – yes, Trustee Alana Horkey – yes, Supervisor Uhl – yes. Excused Absent: Clerk Anderson, Trustee Lazette. Motion carried.


  • Ordinance Officer vacancy discussed. Supervisor Uhl motioned to hire Tim Duby to serve as Ordinance Officer at the rate of $26.50 per hour. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion carried.


  • Solar Energy Collectors Ordinance Amendment was discussed. Trustee Travis Horkey motioned to adopt the Zoning Ordinance Solar Energy Collectors Amendment Section 5.45. Trustee Jaworski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Treasurer Hunt – yes, Trustee Alana Horkey – yes, Trustee Jaworski – yes, Trustee Travis Horkey – yes, Supervisor Uhl – yes. Excused Absent: Clerk Anderson, Trustee Lazette. Motion carried.




  • Assessing Service Agreement from Renius & Renius was reviewed. Trustee Travis Horkey motioned to approve their contract for assessing services as presented and to authorize the clerk and the supervisor to sign the Assessing Services Agreement with Renius & Renius. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion carried.


  • Assessing Employment Agreement for the tax roll signing fee of $1,000 was discussed and withdrawn.



Additional board comments: None


Supervisor Uhl motioned to pay the bills from May 9, 2023 in the amount of $12,724.87.

Trustee Alana Horkey supported. Motion Carried.


Supervisor Uhl motioned to adjourn. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.


The next meeting will be June 13, 2023 at 7PM. 



Attested:                                                                         Respectfully Submitted,


Joanna Uhl                                                                           Jean Anderson

Dundee Township Supervisor                                              Dundee Township Clerk




___________________________                                                             _________________________

This page last updated on 7/20/2023.
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